Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Exercises to Obtain a Thigh Gap That Will Only Take 10 Minutes a Day (2019)

 Exercises to Obtain a Thigh Gap That Will Only Take 10 Minutes a Day (2019)

Is it a myth that to get slim and shaped thighs, you need to spend hours in the gym? What if I told you that you can get the same results by doing a set of exercises that takes just 10 minutes a day? If recently you’ve been thinking about nothing else but a lovely thigh gap, this article is for you!

1. Lateral lunges

Exercise technique:

Lateral Lunges Lateral lunges target your inner as well as outer thighs. As a result, you work on your thigh gap and simultaneously reduce outer thigh "saddlebags." As a pleasant bonus, this exercise also tones your glutes and tightens your hips. Stand up straight with your legs apart. Then step to the right with your right foot. Squat as low as you can and, at the same time, straighten your left leg. Then raise and move your right foot back to the initial position. Repeat the same movement with your left foot. Repeat this exercise 30 times alternating right and left sides.

2. Wide stance squats

Exercise technique:

Wide Stance Squats will help you to work your hamstrings and quads. On top of that, it will strengthen your hip muscles, glutes, lower back, abs, and core muscles. To do the exercise correctly, stand straight with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart. Such a wide stance will work your hip muscles and glutes better than the usual shoulder-width stance. Besides, it will take some pressure off of your knees. As soon as you're in the correct position, imagine that you're going to sit down and start to lower your butt. Your knees should point out, but at the same time, be in line with your feet. Dip as low as you can and freeze in that position for several seconds. After that, return to the initial standing position. Do 30 reps in total.

3. Bridge raises

Exercise technique:

Bridge Raises Thanks to this exercise, your glutes, thighs, and abs will get more toned and defined. Plus, you'll greatly improve your posture and strengthen your core, which, in turn, will help you to get rid of lower-back pain. Lie down on your back with your legs bent at the knees and your feet close to your butt, hip-width apart. Put some object, for example, a pillow or a towel, between your knees. After that, lift your hips off the floor, hold at the top for several seconds, and lower back to the initial position. When you raise your hips, don't forget to squeeze the object you have between your knees as tightly as you can. Also, make sure you don't rush and pay attention to every movement. Your body should form a straight line from the knees up.

4. Pilates leg lifts

Exercise technique:

Pilates Leg Lifts This exercise targets your thighs, glutes, obliques, and abdominal muscles. It involves your inner thigh muscles and, thus, leads to the appearance of a thigh gap. On top of that, when you do it, you automatically pull your abs in and up, which makes them more defined and also improves your balance. Lie down on your side and make sure that your ankles, knees, thighs, hips, and shoulders are aligned. Extend your legs completely and either prop your head on your hand or lean your upper body on your elbow. Raise your leg as high as you can. Don't hurry; your movements should be slow and controlled. Stay in this position for several seconds, then lower your leg back to the floor. Repeat this exercise 30 times for each side.

5. Star jumps

Exercise technique:

Star Jumps An exercise as simple as jumping up and down can actually make a world of difference to your thighs! This movement also gets your heart rate up and is great for the whole body toning thing. Stand straight with your feet together and your hands on the hips. Remember that your toes should point forward. Then, bend your knees and jump straight up while extending your legs to the sides and your arms above your head. From the side, your body is supposed to resemble a 5-pointed star, with your legs, arms, and head forming its points. Bring your feet together while landing. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

6. Cross-stepping

Exercise technique:

Cross-Stepping What would you pick: going up the stairs or using an escalator? Well, if your ultimate goal is beautiful thighs, the only correct answer is walking, or even running, up the stairs. This can also be a perfect warming-up exercise before your workout. The best way to perform this exercise is on a staircase, but make sure that you hold onto the railing for balance and safety. When you make the first step, cross one leg over the other and move up to the next stair. After that, repeat the same movement with the other leg and keep going this way until you're at the top of the stairs.